This statement has been published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act). The Act has introduced changes in UK law focused on increasing transparency in supply chains, to ensure our supply chains are free from modern slavery (that is, slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking.
The Gender Pay Gap legislation introduced in April 2017 requires that UK employers with 250 employees or more on the snapshot date (5th April) publish data about their gender pay gap. The gender pay gap differs from equal pay as it is concerned with the differences in the average pay between men and women over a period of time no matter what their role is. Equal pay deals with the pay differences between men and women who carry out the same or similar jobs.
QE Facilities Limited (QEF) needs to collect and process staff personal data in order to function effectively as an organisation. Personal data is processed for a variety of reasons (as set out below) and all such personal data will be collected and processed in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
This Policy covers all QEF sites and applies to any individual employed, in any capacity, who is employed either under a letter of authority or on a permanent/part time or honorary contract or as a third party such as contractors, students, volunteers and visitors who handle information as part of their course of work.