QE Transport Services provide a dedicated and tailored transport service based at the QE Hospital in Gateshead in the North of England.
We provide specialist transport of medical and confidential resources throughout the country. We deliver a 5 star, cost-effective, time critical, secure, bespoke and professional transport solution that meets ever increasing customer and statutory legislation requirements.
Due to the success of our service in the past twelve months our fleet operations has grown significantly with planed future expansions into other bespoke transport solutions.
Where are we based?
Our main site for our Transport division is based at Spire house Washington.
Glover Network Centre,
Spire Rd,
NE37 3HB

customer feedback
I was very touched by the dedication and professionalism that you demonstrated, not only in ensuring that you went above and beyond your role in bagging up the samples within the practice, but also in your actions when you returned home and found a stray sample.