QE VAT Consultancy
QE VAT Consultancy is a division of QE Facilities Ltd (QEF) and was established to offer expert VAT Compliance and Advisory Services. It has been providing VAT services to NHS bodies since 2017, and employs personnel that are highly skilled and experienced within NHS VAT. It has also established a successful track record in relation to consultancy services delivering and achieving excellent results for NHS bodies nationally.
About QE VAT Consultancy
VAT Compliance
Our VAT compliance business provides assurance in the following areas:-
Revenue expenditure (contracted-out services)
Capital expenditure (contracted-out services)
Business activities
Partial exemption
Output tax (debtor income)
Overseas transactions
Charitable funds
Smart procurement
Support during HMRC visits
Technical support
Bespoke VAT Training
NHS bodies are under unprecedented pressure to minimise costs in relation to their activities.
The efficient procurement of goods and services is an area in which the cost burden may be reduced by 20% on expenditure in certain circumstances.
QEF recruited an experienced team of NHS VAT specialists, to support NHS bodies in managing their VAT compliance effectively and efficiently. Our focus and culture at QEF is to deliver high quality VAT services at competitive rates. Profits made by QEF are re-invested in the NHS so the money stays within the NHS system, which provides a great PR position.
The business model brings together the benefits of working as a commercial company with the ethics, values and determination of staff who want to improve services within the NHS.
VAT Advisory Business
VAT Advisory Business
Our VAT advisory business provides a wide range of services, from advising on all aspects of establishing a subsidiary company within an NHS body to providing advice on the restructuring of procurement contracts
We can advise on establishing subsidiary companies to deliver non clinical services such as:-
Outpatient Pharmacy Dispensing
Operated Healthcare Facilities
Estates and Facilities Management Services
Courier / Transport Services
Pathology Services
Laundry Services
Information Technology
We can also advise in areas such as:-
Managed Service Contracts
Joint venture and partnership arrangements
PFI Contracts